Many RV Dealers try to cut corners and handle Google AdWords and other PPC programs in house. Unfortunately, they often make serious mistakes with their ads, campaign set up and landing pages that lead to poor results with an extremely low ROI. Working with DP Ball Advertising ensures you are maximizing the return on your digital advertising investment.
Network geofencing relies on cellular towers and Wi-Fi available to pinpoint a user’s location. A virtual perimeter is established by drawing a geofence on a map within the software application. When a device crosses the perimeter, their device is identified. Ads are served to the device via the user’s engagement with an app, or by visiting a website that the ad is placed on.
Geofence Your Competitor:
When an RV consumer crosses the perimeter their device is captured while at your competitor. They begin to receive ads while there, if they engage in an app or website. They will then be served ads to come to your dealership for a better offer over the next 30 days as they go about their daily activities, and use their phone as they normally do. The device is tracked, and when it arrives at your dealership it is considered a conversion.
Geofence an RV Show:
The device is targeted with ads during an event, and following the event for 30 days. Each time they open an app or visit a website where ads are placed, the ad has an opportunity to be served.
Why it Works so Well:
We are aligned with the premiere provider of automotive geofencing with award winning propriety software applications that have improved digital performance of ad service internationally, and we are the only RV dealership agency to offer this service through them. We utilize the 30 top ad exchanges available and bid on ad space in an auction format. These exchanges control adspace in the most popular, high traffic websites and phone apps that RV consumers use on a daily basis.
Monitoring and Verification:
We monitor how many times the ads are served, as well as click-throughs to your landing page by platform, analytics and exchange confirmation. When dealership visits occur we see them in real time through our Geofence Client Dashboard. All performance is monitored by a third party for verification.
Digital Ad Campaigns:
We also create a Paid Search campaign, to capture the attention of those searching for comparable models and prices during and after the show. These are people actively searching for RVs and are ready to purchase. If the geofencing ads don't gain a click through to your landing page, the text ads can. Placing the right ads in the right place at the right time, increases response, and maximizes your ad spend.
Landing Page:
We create a specific landing page to complete the offer made in your geofencing campaign ads, along with your Paid Search ads. We will remarket to your established audiences with display ads shared with the geofence campaign to gain more traffic from RVers familiar with your dealership.