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Digital Marketing Strategy
Maximizes Return on Advertising Investment.

Search Engine Marketing • Social Media Marketing • Email Marketing • PPC Campaigns • Social Media Advertising

Digital Marketing Components

Two main components, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Social Media Marketing (SMM), encompass the rest of the digital marketing process which falls within these two groups. For example - an AdWords campaign builds text ads that show up in search, along with the organic results, and is a form of Search Engine Advertising (SEA). Facebook ads are a form of Social Media Advertising. Optimization of each area includes content, consistency, uniform branding and prompt response. Content should be optimized on your website and in your social media channels.

Digital marketing is a part of your Marketing plan that is intended to increase your customer base, maintain customer loyalty, and increase sales.
Social media is helpful in nurturing those who follow your posts, providing them with information they are seeking and an opptorunity to interact. 

Optimization is a process that promotes content. To optimize your website (SEO) to show up in the search engine results pages (SERPS) you need to have content that visitors are seeking. To optimize your social media accounts, again, it is about the content you post. Good, original, high quality content is important to the search engines, as they incorporate new algorithms that change frequently. Artificial intelligence is being incorporated and the engines are constantly learning. They used to compare indexed content to keyword search, while now they are comparing search results, to search results interpreting intent, learning what is being requested at a much more sophisticated level. 

In-Depth Content

Content that solves the users problems. Whether they are looking for towing information, or RV lifestyle articles, how to Winterize their RV or hire your dealership to do it, they have a problem. You should have the solution. Content has and will remain King because people search for information. Even though you are selling products and services, the latest algorithm changes still prefer long-form content over 'buy this product here' content. High quality, original content gets traffic.

User Intent

You don't build your website, and spend money to drive people there, if you don't have something to offer. What are your customers seeking? Is it price? Is it trust? Maybe its location. Search engines place emphasis on proximity, showing local businesses to the searcher. In efforts to maintain quality results, your reputation drives your site to the top. Citations and reviews count heavily. Search engines are learning about the way people search, in other words - their intent. 


One party reviews are those listed on your website. These 'starred' reviews along with reviews on major listing services like Google and Yelp as well as social media, are included in the popularity factor that search engines take into account when recommending your dealership. How others rate your business determines whether or not Alexa, Cortana or Siri will answer, "Where is the closest full service RV dealership to me?" with an answer that recommends your business.

Digital Marketing - SEM, SMM, SEO, SEA, SMO, SMA

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is not an option, it is a necessity. Most RV dealership web development specialists have developed good techniques when it comes to building and deploying a new website. All the basics are covered. But, you want an advantage, don't you? That's where we come in. We make suggestions to your web team, or make changes ourselves to the code, to include proper SEO on-page methods that may have been overlooked or are not aggressive enough to set you apart from other dealerships in your market area.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

With changing algorithms, it is important to keep up with the latest information coming straight out of search engine forums and follow the leaders in the industry, which is something we do. Currently search is evolving to include artificial intellegence, which is improving search response greatly. Where in the past, search was based on keywords, then along came the move to local results, and is now relying heavily on citations from other sites. Through it all content has remained the most important factor determining where your site appears in the search engine results pages (SERPS). In-depth content indexes your site higher when queries regarding that content are entered into search.

How are you listed in the 100+ listing sites that are located online serving your region? From Dex Knows, Yellow Pages, to Google+, Apple, Yelp and Foursquare, correct information is necessary for search engines to send people to you. Your reviews and star ratings are an additional part of SEO that helps determine who search recommends when a customer uses keywords, location, or terms like - the best RV dealer in Dallas. The engines look at your listings (citations), reviews (star ratings), and the proximity of the dealership to the searcher (location). In addition they match the search terms to the indexed pages on local websites. Indexed pages are scanned for what the page is about to see which page they should serve in results. Your page title is the most important information on the page to inform the search engine regarding the page content. The description is what will appear, like a billboard, and it should set your dealership apart, as it will likely be the only information the user knows about you if they are unfamiliar with your business.

Make sure you have everything your site needs to rank well in search, from 1st person reviews, to correct information in listing sites. Let us help you, by calling for a consultation today. We can take a look at the optimization on your site quickly evaluate your rank placement and make recommendations. Our SEO program includes evaluation, recommendations, on page implementation, working with your web development team if needed, review management, soliciting reviews, real-time updates on listing services including videos, photographs, calls to action, your brands, and even your inventory. We review your code, make sure necessary items are included, and make adjustments accordingly. We can also set up a schedule for adding high quality, original content that appeals to your visitors and helps your search engine ranking.

Why is this important? If you know you are on page one for specific keyword terms, you can reduce your PPC costs while still gaining traffic from search. These organic listings are just as effective at bringing customers to your website as paid search ads, and once established continue to grow as content is added to your pages. 

PPC Campaigns • Paid Search • Search Engine Advertising

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaigns show up on the search engine results pages and compel people to respond by clicking through to your website. Make sure your ads contain specific elements designed to elicit a direct response. You have only a few seconds to gain their attention and compel them to click. Here is where you must have a strong, benefit-rich headline and message, that matches their intent - what they are searching for.

Paid Search - Text ads that show up alongside the organic results on the search engine results pages
Display Network - Banner ads that a shown on the Google Display Network of websites. Your ads are served on national and local news, weather, RV lifestyle, campground, RV forum, RV listing sites and more, according to the criteria we select.

PPC (Pay Per Click) Ad Campaign

Retargeting Campaigns

Retargeting Ads. Google calls it remarketing, but they are basically the same thing. Once a visitor arrives on your website, a cookie is placed on their browser that identifies it. No personal information is gathered. Then as they travel through the internet, shopping, reading news, researching and more, your ads will be served to them as a reminder of your dealership when they arrive on partner sites in the Google Display Network. Keywords, ad content and landing page content are all considered for ads to be placed. Targeting can be aggressive, pulling in new potential customers that have an interest in your products and services, as you establish an audience. 

Retargeting / Remarketing Ad Campaign

AdWords Video Ads - True View Ads

These ads are shown on the Google Display Network of websites. They are also placed on YouTube as in stream ads, and bumper ads.

Video ads are created and posted to be in native format. Not leaving the Facebook or information seeking on YouTube is ideal. We encourage click throughs to find more information on the dealership website. YouTube ads allow for a clickable link in an overlay on the video page as it is playing. It is extremely important to make sure you have matching content on your website. Again, we can't stress this enough - content is King. Whether it's in your ad in any venue, on your landing page where you direct visitors from your advertising, or simply on your website, people are seeking information, and you are the expert. Make sure you provide it to them to set yourself apart from other dealership sites that display only inventory. People are learning about the RVing experience. Especially if they are first time buyers, seeking the experience of RVing and aren't sure quite what to expect. Tell them! Let them know you'll help them every step of the way. Social media is a great way to demonstrate how well you care for customers before and after the sale!

Successful conversions occur when a prospective buyer clicks the ad and lands on a properly designed mobile friendly landing page. The page should be simple and clean with a professional design and without distracting navigation or actions that can be confusing. Methods of contact should be geared for your sales staff and your customers. Some simply won't call. Make sure they can contact you with a form or a simple email address.

Social Media Optimization

Your RV Dealership's presence in social media channels helps you establish, maintain and nurture relationships. Your announcements, local events, dealership promotions, additions to your line-up, images of new customers, sales event turn-out, and a host of information helps your followers feel like a part of your RVing family. You don't have to be located on every social media channel, but it's important to be involved with at least one or two, and keep the information fresh. Content on your website should and be linked to your posts driving inbound traffic. Posts should engage consumers at every level of the RV Buyer Purchase Funnel.

Our social media program includes content building, video additions to your YouTube channel, and daily Facebook posts at the basic level. Adding more social media channels gains more exposure because everyone has different needs and spends time gathering information and shopping in the platforms that meet their individual needs in the best possible way.

Social Media Program

Facebook Advertising

Advertising on Facebook makes it easy to find the right people, capture their attention and get results. Two billion people use Facebook every month. Since Facebook gets tons of data from their users, who enter it voluntarily on their profile, we know things like their age, location and interests. Because Facebook has a good idea of who users are and what they like, we can use this in our targeting criteria. This means we can serve targeted ads that show Facebook users the products that they are likely to buy, information they may be seeking, or events they’d love to attend. Facebook ads and Facebook video Ads can be retargeted, encouraging visitors that have been to your website to return. We place Facebook Ads and Facebook Video Ads for your dealership.

Facebook Advertising
  1. Top of the Purchase Funnel - 25% of our Facebook ads appeal to a general audience that is at the top of the sales funnel, exploring the RV lifestyle, what type of RVs are available, where they can purchase, and learning about towing and maintenance.
  2. Middle of the Purchase Funnel - 50% are video ads targeting people in the middle of the sales funnel. Here they are developing a unit type preference. We also expose them to inventory at this point.
  3. Bottom of the Purchase Funnel - 25% of Facebook ads are specific to units and designed to send highly targeted traffic to the landing page. At this point in the purchase funnel they are ready to purchase and are looking for specific brands and models. 
Cleanup Listings and Reviews - Publisher Medallions and Logos

Clean Up Listings and Reviews

People find your dealership in a variety of ways. 

There are over 100 local search listing services out there and each one contains information about your business. Your business name, address, phone number, and directions. This information can frequently be wrong and cause confusion among potential customers. If you've ever changed the information only to find it has changed back to the wrong phone number or address, you are certainly not along.



DP Ball Advertising, Inc. has been serving the RV industry with multi-channel direct response marketing since 1984. Founded by Daniel P. Ball, the company represents RV dealerships throughout the United States and Canada. We provide direct response advertising campaigns, media buying, scheduling and purchasing in traditional and digital marketing venues.  From concept through production and final placement, we offer creative services, printing, voice overs, audio and video recording. Search engine and social media marketing are coordinated for the biggest impact, and we provide website consultation, solutions and services.



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DP Ball Advertising
55 Vista Outlook Street
Henderson, NV 89011

PHONE: 440-285-8164